Hello World! I’m Shivram Sambhus, a computer science student at ETH Zurich. I’ve created this site to share my lecture notes from different courses, hoping to make things a bit easier for fellow students.

It should provide a helpful resource that reflects what we’re learning at ETHZ. You’ll find notes on everything from programming languages and linear algebra to discrete maths and algorithms and many more areas important in computer science! I hope you find the notes useful! (⌐■_■)


Semester 1

Semester 2

Side Quests


This website is a work in progress, and I’m continually updating it as I move through my studies. I’m adding new material and refining what’s already here to keep everything accurate and clear. Just a heads up, some pages might not display perfectly on smaller screens.

Feel free to dive into the notes, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback. I really enjoy connecting with fellow students and developers!