Lecture from: 25.09.2024 | Video: Videos ETHZ

Logical Equivalence and Tautological Implication

To illustrate the concept of tautological implication, let’s examine the truth values of , , and various logical expressions involving them. Specifically, we will build a truth table for the expressions , , and .


Observations from the truth table:

  • evaluates to true when either is false or is true.
  • combines with the implication . It is true only when both is true and is true.
  • evaluates whether the conjunction of and logically entails . The result is always true, meaning that this is a tautology.

Implicational Tautology

Since is always true, it is a tautology. This shows that whenever and are true, must also be true. Thus, we can conclude:

This means that the truth of is a logical consequence of the truth of and . In other words, if the LHS (left-hand side) is true, the RHS (right-hand side) must also be true.

Basic Logic Equivalences

See lemma 2.1 in script (2024)






Double Negation:

De Morgan’s Laws:

Proving a Statement using Modus Ponens

A typical proof pattern you’ll encounter in logic is called modus ponens. The idea is simple: suppose we want to prove a statement .


  1. Find a statement .
  2. Prove that is true.
  3. Prove that .

Once these are established, we can conclude that is true by modus ponens.

Important Note:

It’s crucial not to confuse the direction of implication. Proving and is true does not imply that is true.

Let’s use an example to illustrate this mistake.

Statement :

Let’s attempt to prove this (incorrectly):

  • Step 1: Start with .
  • Step 2: From , we can deduce (by adding 1 to both sides).
  • Step 3: Next, we deduce by multiplying by (assuming makes negative).

Now, since is clearly true, one might wrongly conclude that (the original ) is true as well. This proof is wrong because we are not following the direction of implication correctly. is wrong.


Statement: is not a prime.

This specific case might be difficult to prove directly, so in discrete mathematics, we often generalize the problem to explore broader patterns.

Generalized Statement:

Let’s generalize the problem by forming a new statement.

  • Statement : is not prime.
  • Statement : is not prime.

We aim to prove that if is true, then must also be true.

Proof Outline:

  1. Start with : is not prime.

    • This means , where and .
  2. Apply this to :

    • We know , so substitute this into the expression .
  3. Factorize :

  4. Conclusion: The expression is factored into two terms, meaning (where ) is not prime if is composite. This generalizes the idea that for composite numbers , the expression is not prime.

Applying to :

  1. Prove : is not prime.

    We can factor 143 as:

    Therefore, is composite.

  2. Apply the Generalized Result (Modus Ponens):

    • We now know that is true ( is not prime).
    • From our generalized proof, (if is not prime, then is not prime).

    By Modus Ponens:

    • Since is true, we conclude that must be true.

Predicate Logic

In predicate logic, predicates are similar to functions, but they output truth values rather than numerical values. A predicate can be thought of as a symbol or alias that takes in a variable number of inputs from a universe , and depending on these inputs, the predicate evaluates to either true or false.

Formally: and

Predicate Quantifiers

Quantifiers are used to express the scope or extent of the predicates over elements in the universe . The two most common quantifiers are:

Existential Quantifier ():

  • Symbol:
  • Meaning: “There exists at least one element.”
  • Example: means “there exists an in the real numbers such that the predicate holds true.”

Universal Quantifier ():

  • Symbol:
  • Meaning: “For all elements in the universe.”
  • Example: means “for all in the real numbers, the predicate holds true.”

A quantifier and predicate is a formula, whose truth value is often dependent on which universe we are talking about.

Continue here: 04 Quantifiers