General Info


  • Bonus tasks from week 5 (Exercise 4) onward can improve exam grade by max 0.25 points.
  • Achieving 80% of total available points during the semester is needed for full bonus.
  • Bonus decreases proportionally if less than 80% is earned.
  • Bonus applies to the exam this semester or next spring, but expires if the course is repeated.
  • Tasks must be done independently; discussions allowed but no notes, and 1-hour wait before continuing after discussing.
  • Dishonesty leads to forfeiting all bonus points.

Assignment schedule

  • Weekly tasks released Tuesday evening, due the following Tuesday night via git.
  • On 19.11. and 3.12., special tasks will be released with 2 hours to complete them.


  • Questions should be asked in group sessions, not by email.
  • Participation in tasks is voluntary but recommended. No attendance required for sessions.