Lecture from 25.09.2024 | Video: Videos ETHZ

Related to: Linear Combinations

Vectors in are said to be linearly dependent if at least one of them is a linear combination of the others. This means there exists some index and scalars such that:

If no such scalars exist, the vectors are linearly dependent.


Two vectors and IndependentThese two vectors are not scalar multiples of each other, so they are linearly independent.
Two vectors and Dependent is a scalar multiple of (), so they are linearly dependent.
Vectors in . Example: Vectors in DependentAny set of vectors in is always linearly dependent, as either:

1) are independent and span and the the n-th vector is a combination of them or

2) are not independent and therefore won’t be either.
A sequence of a single non-zero vector IndependentA single non-zero vector is always linearly independent because there is no other vector to form a linear combination.
A sequence of a single zero vector DependentA single zero vector is always linearly dependent, since the only possible scalar is , and the zero vector can be written as .
Sequence of vectors including the zero vector DependentAny sequence containing the zero vector is linearly dependent because the zero vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the other vectors (with all ).
Sequence of vectors where one vector appears twice or more DependentIf a vector appears twice, they are linearly dependent because one vector is a scalar multiple (identity) of the other.
The empty sequence IndependentThe empty sequence is trivially linearly independent since there are no vectors to form a linear dependence relation.

Alternate Definitions of Linear Dependence

Let be vectors in . The following statements are equivalent (either all true or all false):

  1. At least one vector is a linear combination of the others (as in the main definition).
  2. There exist scalars , not all zero, such that: In other words, the zero vector is a non-trivial linear combination of the vectors.
  3. At least one vector is a linear combination of the preceding ones in the sequence .

How do we know these are true? Here are the proofs: The idea is that we prove: .

Proof: (i) (ii)

Assume (i) is true: one of the vectors, say , is a linear combination of the others. That is, there exist scalars such that:

Now, subtract from both sides:

This equation can be rewritten as:

Where and for all . Since , we have a non-trivial solution (not all are zero).

Thus, (ii) holds: there exist scalars, not all zero, such that their linear combination of the vectors equals the zero vector.

Proof: (ii) (iii)

Assume (ii) is true: there exist scalars , not all zero, such that:

Let be the largest index such that (this must exist, as not all are zero by assumption). We can now separate the term involving :

Now, isolate by moving the sum to the other side:

Next, divide through by (which is non-zero by assumption) to solve for :

Thus, can be written as a linear combination of the preceding vectors . This matches statement (iii): at least one vector (in this case, ) is a linear combination of the preceding vectors.

Therefore, (ii) implies (iii).

Proof: (iii) (i)

This implication is straightforward.

Assume (iii) is true: at least one vector, say , is a linear combination of the preceding vectors in the sequence :

Since is a linear combination of the other vectors in the set, it directly follows that there exists a vector, , which is a linear combination of the others. This is exactly what statement (i) asserts.

Thus, (iii) implies (i).

Definitions of Linear Independence

Let be vectors in . The following statements are equivalent for the vectors to be linearly independent (either all true or all false):

  1. No vector in the set can be written as a linear combination of the others.
  2. The only scalars that satisfy a linear combination of the vectors resulting in the zero vector are all zero (i.e., the trivial solution).
  3. No vector is a linear combination of the preceding ones in the sequence .

Uniqueness of Solutions with Linearly Independent Sets of Vectors

When a set of vectors in is linearly independent, any vector can have at most one unique solution when expressed as a linear combination of the vectors in that set.

Uniqueness of Solutions with Linearly Independent Sets of Vectors

When a set of vectors in is linearly independent, any vector can have at most one unique solution when expressed as a linear combination of the vectors in that set.

Proof of Uniqueness

Suppose can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in two different ways with two sets of coefficients, and , such that:


Now subtract the second equation from the first:

This simplifies to:

Since the vectors are linearly independent, the only solution to this equation is for each coefficient to be zero. That is:

Therefore, for all .


Since for all , the scalars (coefficients) used to express as a linear combination of must be the same. This proves that the solution is unique.

Vector Span


The span of a set of vectors in a vector space is the set of all possible linear combinations of those vectors. Mathematically, the span is defined as:

In other words, the span of a set of vectors is the collection of all vectors that can be formed by taking scalar multiples of each vector and adding them together.

Proof: Adding a Vector from a Span Does Not Change the Span

Let be vectors, and let be a linear combination of . We aim to show that:

Proof Strategy:

We will prove that the two spans are equal by showing:

Once both inclusions are established, we can conclude that the two spans are identical.

Part 1:

Let be an arbitrary element of . By definition, can be written as a linear combination of :

Since , we can set the coefficient of to be 0:

Thus, is also an element of . Therefore, every element of is in , proving:

Part 2:

Let be an arbitrary element of . By definition, can be written as a linear combination of :

Since , we know that can be expressed as:

Substitute this expression for into the equation for :

Now, simplify the expression:

This shows that is a linear combination of . Therefore, , proving:


Since both:

we conclude that: