CS Notes
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Semester 1
Algorithms and Datastructures
Lecture Notes
01 Intro To Algorithms
02 Star Search
03 Max Subarray Sum
04 Searching and Sorting
05 Sorting, Data Structures
06 Abstract Data Types, Binary AVL Search Trees
07 Dynamic Programming, Jump Game, Longest Common Subsequence, Edit Distance
08 Subset Sum, Knapsack, Longest Increasing Subsequence
09 Graph Theory, Eulerian Cycle Algorithm
10 Topological Ordering, Directed Graphs, Representing Graphs on Computers, Topological Sort Algorithm
11 Shortest Path Algorithms, Cheapest Walks in Weighted Graphs, Acyclical Graphs and Topological Sort, Dijkstra's Algorithm
Study Notes
Asymptotic Notation
Comparing Algorithms
Fundamental Concepts in Graph Theory
Master Theorem
Algorithms and Data Structures
Discrete Maths
Abstract Algebra
Lecture Notes
01 Intro and Statements
02 Propositional Logic and Formulas
03 Logical Equivalence, Tautological Implication and Modus Ponens
04 Quantifiers
05 Proof Types
06 Set Theory and Russels Paradox
07 Equality, Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Product, Power Set and Relationships
08 Relations, Compositions and Properties
09 Equivalency Relation and Classes, Partitions, Partially Ordered Sets
10 Posets, Hasse Diagrams, Lexicographical Ordering, Special Elements, Functions, Countability, Infinities
11 Functions, Relations, Cardinality, Countability, Cantor's Diagonalization Argument
12 Cardinality, Number Theory, Rings, Euclidian Rings, Ideal, Congruence, Modular Arithmetic, Diophantine Equations
13 Modular Arithmetics, Set of Residues, Diffie-Hellman, Multiplicative Inverse, Chinese Remainder Theorem
14 Algebraic Structures and Operations, Monoids, Inverses, Groups, Group Properties, Landscape of Groups
15 Groups, Homomorphism, Isomorphism, Preservation of Identity and Inverses
16 Isomorphism, Powers, Order, Generators, Lagrange's Theorem, Multiplicative Groups, Euler's Totient Function, RSA
17 Rings, Polynomial Rings, Integral Domains, Units
18 Rings, Fields, Real Polynomial Fields, Polynomial Fields, Galois Fields
19 Factorizations, Polynomial Fields and Division, Polynomial Interpolation, Constructing Galois Fields
20 Generators in Finite Fields, Properties of Finite Fields, Error Correcting Codes, Reed-Solomon Codes
21 Logic, Proof Systems, Logical Consequence, Syntactic Derivation
Chapter 2 - Math. Reasoning, Proofs, and a First Approach to Logic
Chapter 3 - Sets, Relations, and Functions
Chapter 4 - Number Theory
Discrete Mathematics
Intro To Programming
Lecture Notes
02 Java (Intro)
03 Java (Basics)
04 Java (Input, Random, Control Flow)
05 Java (Functions, Value vs Reference Semantics, Variable Scope)
06 Java (Functions, Loops, Side Effects, Do-While)
07 Sequences
08 Array Operations, Recursion
09 Solution Strategies, Logical Conclusions, Assertions, Hoare Logic
10 Hoare Logic
11 Loop Invariants, Classes and Objects, Attributes, Reference Semantics
12 Null, Class Methods, Constructors
13 Visibility Modifiers, Object Invariants, Static Methods, Final and Attributes
Intro To Programming
Linear Algebra
Lecture Notes
01 Vectors
02 Vectors
03 Linear Dependence and Independence
04 Matrices and Linear Combinations
05 Transpose and Multiplication
06 CR-Factorization and Linear Transformations
07 Linear Transformations, Linear Systems of Equations, PageRank
08 Gauss Elimination, Elimination Matrices and Solution Sets
09 Elementary Row Operations, Gauss Elimination, Inverse Matrices, Inverse Theorem
10 Calculating the Inverse, LU and LUP Decomposition
11 Gauss-Jordan, REF, RREF, Properties of REF
12 Vector Spaces, Subspaces
13 Vector Spaces, Bases, Dimension
14 Fundamental Subspaces, Column Space, Row Space, Nullspace
15 Orthogonal Vectors and Orthogonal Complements of Subspaces
16 Orthogonal Complementary Subspaces, Projections, Normal Form
17 Projections, Least Squares, Linear Regression
18 Orthonormal Bases, Properties of Orthogonal Matrices
19 Gram-Schmidt Process, QR-Decomposition, Properties of Q and R
20 Pseudoinverses, Constructing Pseudoinverses
21 Certificates, Linear Systems of Inequalities, Projections of Polyhedra, Farkas Lemma
22 Determinants, Permutations, Properties, Cofactors, Cramers Rule
Introduction to Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang)
Linear Algebra
Semester 1
Semester 1
Folder: Semesters/Semester-1
1 item under this folder.
Dec 02, 2024
Semester 1